Math & Science

Each year students are encouraged to participate in mathematics contests which are an important supplement to math education in the 4C Challenge Program.  These Canada-wide exams are recognized as entrance and scholarship prerequisites by many university mathematics departments.

Students are provided the opportunity to prepare and practice for contests in grades 9 to 12. These contests include the EuclidFryer, Galois, Hypatia and University of Waterloo Senior and Intermediate Mathematics Contests. Students interested in participating should contact the Department Head of Mathematics or their math teacher.

For some fun lessons recently completed by a Math 10 4C Challenge class check out these videos:

Fun with Physics!

Check out these opportunities that Mrs. Bjornson, Esquimalt High School’s Physics Teacher and 4C Challenge teacher put together for her students:

Science Fair

All students in the Challenge Program are encouraged to enter the Vancouver Island Regional Science Fair. Projects may be developed in consultation with any science teacher on staff.

Students may receive Directed Studies credit for completing a science fair project or it may become the major project of their IS 11 course.