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Esquimalt High School’s Improv club and team is an inclusive group of talented actors from beginners to those with years of experience. We work together to learn the techniques of improvisational theatre so we can entertain an audience without memorization, script, sets or rehearsal.

The Improv Team takes these skills to competition at the Canadian Improv Games at both junior and senior levels. The Canadian Improv Games are held annually across the country with the finals held in Ottawa. The Games provide great opportunities to meet fellow actors from far and wide. We have been running for several years and regularly compete successfully at the regional games. Members of the team have continued their passion for the sport by helping run the annual Canadian Improv Games.
Improvisers receive advice and strategies to improve their skills for Improv Competition. Senior and Junior improvisers work together and whether it is holding hands, drinking coffee, or talking about the latest films Improv practices and games truly build a community of fun and laughter. Improv is a bonding experience and let’s you escape into a whole new world of amusement!
We start meeting a few weeks into the school year and everyone is welcome to join – no audition required!
Come see the team perform at both the school and Canadian Improv Game events throughout the year. Keep your eyes and ears open for news of our next show!