Esquimalt Ski Trip 2025 – PART DEAUX


Hello Esquimalt Families!

Our school will be holding a day trip to Mt. Washington on Thursday, March 13th, 2025. We are happy to offer downhill ski or snowboard opportunities.

There are 51 seats available and they will be available on a first-come/first-served basis. Students must be in acceptable academic standing and actively demonstrate adherence to our school Code of Conduct.

To reserve a seat:

  1. All paperwork must be submitted, and all Google forms completed.
  2. All waivers submitted to the office or to Caterina Williams (Room 304)
  3. Fee paid online (School Cash Online).

Once this is done and confirmed by Esquimalt Staff, a link to pay will be provided.  Once paid for, your seat is confirmed.

Fees can be paid online and depend on individual students’ needs for the day.  All students must pay for a lesson as part of our package.

The following options are available:

Alpine Costs

Bus, Lesson, Day Lift pass & Rentals $181 + fees = $189.15

Bus, Lesson and Rentals (student has own Mt. Washington lift pass) $162 + fees = $169.30

Bus, Lesson & Day Lift pass (student has own equipment) $152 + fees = $158.85

Bus & Lesson (student has own Mt. Washington lift pass and own equipment) $133 + fees = $139.00


  • The Mt. Washington Registration/Google form ( must be filled out to provide the information they require. This information must be submitted ASAP. The SD61 permission form is due at the same time.
  • Esquimalt Staff will chaperone the trip.
  • Please pack a lunch and snacks as it will be a long day. You can also purchase food at the cafeteria or lodge.
  • Bring several loonies for lockers if you want to lock up any valuables in the lodge.
  • Please see the documents attached from Mt. Washington for more information about what to bring and what to expect.

This trip is non-refundable except for the following:

** If your student cannot make the trip, we will try to fill their slot with another student. If we are able to do so, a full refund will be available.  If we are not able, there will be no refund.

***Potential cancellation: In the event of adverse weather conditions, the trip may be cancelled. If the trip is cancelled for this reason, a partial refund will be given.

A Vancouver Island Coachlines Bus will take students and staff up to Mt. Washington. The bus will leave at 5:45 am sharp to arrive on the mountain by 9:00 am.
  • Beginner Lessons are at 11am
  • Intermediate & Advanced lessons are at 1:30 pm
The bus will load up at 2:45 pm and leave at 3:15 pm from Mt. Washington and arrive back at Esquimalt High School at 6:30pm.

Assumption of Risks:

*I am aware that skiing, snowboarding, Nordic skiing, skiboarding and snowshoeing involve risks, dangers and hazards and that injuries are a common and ordinary occurrence of these sports.

Skiing: I understand that the ski boot/binding system may not release during every fall or may release unexpectedly. The ski boot/binding system is no guarantee that the user will not be injured.

Snowboarding, /Nordic/Telemarking/Skiboard/Snowshoe: I understand that the boot/binding system is not designed or intended to release and will not release under normal circumstances. I understand that as the boot/binding system is a non-release system this system will not reduce the risk of injury during a fall and will increase the risk of not surviving an avalanche.

Helmets: I understand that a helmet designed for RECREATIONAL SNOW SPORTS use will help reduce the risk of some types of injuries to the user at slower speeds. I recognize that serious injury or death can result from both low and high-energy impacts, even when a helmet is worn.


Mt. Washingon Online Registration Form (Required)

Assumption of Risk (Required)

School District 61 Permission Form – Print and Sign (Required)

Mt. Washington Info Sheets