Code of Conduct

Esquimalt High School Code of Conduct

“The Esquimalt family of schools K-12, in partnership with our parents and our community, are working together to develop socially responsible citizens.”

Our school is committed to promoting a safe learning community which respects the rights of all members, values diversity, and is free from all forms of discrimination against race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, and age as mandated by the BC Human Rights Code.

All members of our school community are expected to behave in a responsible and respectful manner while at school, including breaks, lunches, study blocks, travel to and from school, and while attending school functions including field trips, sporting events and dances.

Student conduct and discipline actions shall be in accordance with The Local Education Agreement with Songhees Nation and The Greater Victoria Board of Education (Section 11.0) and the Local Education Agreement with Esquimalt Nation and The Greater Victoria Board of Education (Section 12.0). 

These expectations include but are not limited to:

  • Respecting the educational rights of all members of the school community.
  • Ensuring that the learning process is not interfered with.
  • Respecting the personal property of all those in our school community, respecting our school building and its contents, as well as all property in our surrounding neighbourhood.
  • Respecting the right of every member of the school community to feel safe.
  • Reporting any instance of bullying to a staff member or administrator.
  • Respecting that the school and all school related events are weapons, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco free zones.
  • Following District Policy 5132 Student Dress Code which states clothing must conform with established health and safety requirements for the intended activity and does not promote drugs, alcohol, display offensive language or images or encourage discrimination
  • Using appropriate language.
  • Engaging in appropriate use of school computers in compliance with Regulation 1300.3 Student Acceptable Use of Technology.
  • Ensuring personal electronic devices are turned off and not in use during instructional time unless permitted by the teacher. Electronic devices must not be used for the purposes of filming or sharing video that demonstrates unsafe or hurtful words or actions.

As a member of our school community, we encourage our students to “step in and speak out” if they are witnessing unsafe or harmful acts. This may involve seeking the help of a trusted adult such as a teacher, coach, counsellor, EA, custodian, Administrator and/or parent.

Consequences for students who conduct themselves contrary to the Code of Conduct will be appropriate to the context, severity and frequency of the behavior, as well as the maturity level of the student. Wherever possible and appropriate, consequences for breaches of a code are restorative in nature rather than punitive. Special considerations may apply to students who are unable to comply with expectations due to having an exceptionality on an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature. It is important that parents/guardians be informed when serious contraventions of the Code of Conduct occur. When appropriate, district personnel may also be informed, with the specific goal of resolving the situation in the best interests of both the individual student and the greater school community.

  • In order to maintain a safe environment, we take very seriously any acts of retaliation against a student who reports a breach of our code of conduct.
  • Any conduct contrary to the beliefs outlined in our opening statement of purpose is deemed to be unacceptable and contrary to our Code of Conduct.

Updated Dec 2023